Loders, the Mangerton Valley and West Milton
The last Thursday in June was warm and humid and the walk over the steep hills and through the deep valleys of West Dorset quite a challenge. Though only 5.5 miles it felt longer and at times hard going; even Lulu had to be carried for part of it.
But we were up for a challenge, and as a small elite group of nine, we were pretty good at supporting and encouraging each other.
We parked at The Loders Arms, where some of us had lunch at the end of the walk. The first stretch was uphill along a deep sandstone gorge, then downhill through a very overgrown nature reserve to a branch covered sunken path which even after a dry spell was pretty muddy at the lowest part.
Drawing on every ounce of courage we faced a field of cows as we climbed up the valley, (the cows were fortunately exhausted too) and then through fields and up a track rising above the beautiful valley, we reached Mappercombe Manor with her lovely formal gardens.
Footpaths took us down to Powerstock and from there we walked above the Mangerton River eventually reaching West Milton. In the shade of West Milton’s ruined 15th century church tower we were glad to sit and have coffee.
The walking after the break was easier as we followed the river, eventually rising through woods to pass ( thankfully not climb) Round Knoll. From there we took a path through woods to emerge onto a hedged lane. Taking the risk that a Closed Road would be sufficiently open for walkers we returned to Loders down another sandstone narrow lane which was in a state of semi collapse.
I think we all felt proud of ourselves and though few in number, we enjoyed the comradeship a small group can bring.
Cathie Seigal