Our second Mileaters walk followed neatly on from our first successful March jaunt around the Folly from The Brace of Pheasants at Plush. Though, with a few exceptions we led a new group of 16 plus 3 dogs.

Happily all cars arrived at the designated parking for Lyscombe bowl more or less together.  The 'chatty' group set off on the sunniest warmest afternoon and evening we had seen for sometime.  There were multiple pauses to admire the outstanding  360 degrees views, but no coffee break.

At the strategic point a sensible 6 and 2 dogs split from the rest for a shorter circuit of 3.75 miles. It was hot! Apart from one fence to negotiate all went as planned. 

The delightful orchard next to the chapel and ruins provided the perfect, picturesque picnic spot where both groups met up. Huge thanks to Riou for ferrying everyone's picnic close by and all those who helped unload the car. Riou then cheerfully provided a taxi service for some back to the car park. 

Laura Baxter