Mileaters Abbotsbury Walk

Starting at the Swan Inn, Abbotsbury 13 Mileaters headed North East up onto the top of the ridge past Jubilee Coppice. It was a glorious day and the views of St Catherine’s Chapel and the Fleet were lit by the sun’s rays coming through the gaps in the clouds and looking like a blessing from up above. It was a blessing to get the uphill part done first but a cold north wind met us once we reached Wears Hill and Abbotsbury Hillfort. We hunkered down in the lee of the ramparts there for a cuppa and a snack. Once past Abbotsbury Castle we crossed the road and followed the path to the sea close to Labour in Vain Farm. Is this a comment about the nature of the soil there or perhaps the nature of the farm workers, I wonder. I can only imagine that it must have been a bit depressing inheriting a farm of that name.

On to East Bexington Farm and from there we skidded our way down the muddy track to the coast path, through or around the flooded parts of the road and on to the track that skirts the West of Chapel Hill. From there it was a short walk back to the Swan Inn where most of us wolfed down a hearty pub lunch. A beautiful walk with a great mix of interests.

Colin & Jo