The WI visit Monkey-World
Ten Ladies and One Husband ventured off to Monkey world, We had a private tour which was very informative. The apes and monkeys were a joy to watch but I think we all could have stayed and watched the Orangutan nursery so entertaining to watch.
Lesley Pemberton

The weather was very good to us for our Summer garden party. The afternoon kicked off as it should with a lovely refreshing glass of Pimms. Then scones baked and prepared by the committee. Chance for a good catch up chat then it was outside for some much needed exercise in the way of a few silly games.

Balance a bean bag on your foot, launch the bean bag into the waiting bucket, or patio ,or grass it seems these bean bags didn't want to go in the bucket! Fortunately some experts got the bags in and we had a winning team.

Everyone was asked to bring a filled jam jar and these were used for the hoop la game. Even these hoops seemed to have a mind of their own. But some experts in this field soon won many a grand prize. Last game before a well earned cuppa was the pass the key along! Quite amusing game got everyone laughing anyway.

Thanks to the hard work of our wonderful Committee another successful party.
Lesley Pemberton
Martinstown WI visit the Swannery
From Axe throwing to Swan feeding, there is no end to our talents. What started off as a glorious sunny morning watching the swans and cygnets, soon turned into a drowning as the heavens opened and only two had a coat an umbrella. The rest of us got a soaking. Rushed back to the shelter of the cafe and of course it was full. So we drove along to the eggcup on the coastal road and had a very nice lunch.