Mileaters strike new ground -  29 May 2024

All fighting fit after the rigours of Exmoor the previous week, 23 Mileaters and 5 canine colleagues assembled appropriately at Pooch's Place car park at Silverlake for a mere 5 miles and 250ft of ascent, stroll. "Pooch" was the mascot of Warmwell WW2 air base, so, after skirting the upmarket development at Silverlake - where some wondered about unlocking the coracles and taking them for a spin on the lagoon - a short diversion was made to view the site of the airfield with a hangar still standing in the distance, a reminder of the significant role that Warmwell played during the Battle of Britain.

Onwards through the somewhat muddy terrain, Warmwell holiday park was passed, with attractive lakes opposite, until we passed above the watercress beds downstream from Broadmayne. More mud ensued, but eventually we paused for a coffee break and photocall on Empool Heath.

After yet another muddy path we emerged from the woods to look down on one of the many landscaped lakes, laid out after the sand and gravel workings finished. Our route through Knighton Heath Wood nature reserve, rich with birdsong, led us to the airbase memorial at the edge of the wood and a brief flirtation with the Silverlake development once again, brought us back to our cars opposite more lakes.

A new circuit for many in a restored landscape, with access only opening a year ago. The information boards showed plans for extensive further development around the man-made lakes; let's hope not for some time to come.


Thence to The Frampton Arms for a reviving lunch.

Nick Priddle