Tibbs Hollow walk

A group of 17 walkers plus 2 dogs set off in good walking weather, dry and a gentle breeze for an approximate five mile walk starting at Tibbs Hollow car park in Frampton.  We headed off downhill to the valley bottom where the river Frome flows, passing the site of a medieval village now merely bumps in a small field occupied by some friendly goats. We walked along a cycle route through the pretty village of Notton towards Cruxton where we joined the Macmillan Way, following it up a steepish hill towards Notton Hill Barn.  A coffee stop soon afterwards allowed us to recover from the climb whilst also admiring the far reaching views.

Leaving the Macmillan Way we headed down towards Longlands Farm, walking single file across a maize field, with the leaders disappearing from view - as the photo caption says – spot the Mileaters!  At Longlands Farm we had a roll call to make sure no one was left in the maize.  Two snoring pigs in a field beside the road were seen but disappointingly completely ignored those who walked over to say ‘hello’. Then we walked down the road to the car park.

Spot the Mileaters!

Our lunch was booked at The Chalk & Cheese in Maiden Newton.  However, on arrival, we found an apologetic notice on the door telling us that due to illness they had to close.  Not a pub with no beer but no pub! With a large group of people hanging around on the corner of the road a decision was needed so Gerald ‘phoned the Saxon Arms in Stratton, they had room for us all – disaster was avoided! Off we went where the excellent staff served us lunch plus a beer or two which was enjoyed sitting outside in the sunshine.

Rosie & Gerald Duke