Mileaters Powerstock Walk

We were blessed with terrific walking weather for this 5 mile testing jaunt around the hills above Powerstock. Eight intrepid set off on a walk following some less well trod paths (for “less well trod” read overgrown and not at all clear).

From the Marquis of Lorne we made our way down past the old water mill and straight up the steep side of Powerstock castle. The site of the mott and bailey are still very clear and we learned about it being known as the Winter Palace of King Athelstan (no evidence) and that there were several records of King John being in attendance on many occasions, specifically 25th August 1205 and 8th Sept 1207 using “Poorstock Castle” as a hunting lodge as the area was one of the many deer forests reserved for the king.

From there we walked along the Kings Lane and through “The Bloody Gate” (as in “Close…”) and across the old Dorch to Bridport railway line (see picture), climbing to the hill above the Boden Estate. The rest of the walk was hidden valleys and steep climbs finishing through the picturesque and architecturally intriguing Powerstock. This was a challenging walk and the last hill up to the pub nearly finished us off but I counted them all out and counted them all back again. And all were smiling at the end. We walked for around 2 hours 20 mins plus a 20 min walk and a stop to pet the donkeys… (don`t ask).

Tom Webb